Sage Counsel.
Steadfast Defense.

About Us

Since our establishment in 1983, Juge Napolitano has been driven to success by our commitment to our clients. As our attorneys remain devoted to leading Louisiana in workers’ compensation and general liability defense, we continue to build on our reputation of securing the best outcome for employers and their insurers in every case through fierce, innovative, knowledgeable defense.


Secure Positive Results
Lead the Charge 
Ensure Peace of Mind
Serve Clients


Support Staff

Michelle Arseneaux

Michelle Arseneaux

Anne David

Anne David

Denise Eagan

Denise Eagan

Vicki Holmes

Vicki Holmes

Chris Holmes

Chris Holmes

Jessica Leonard

Jessica Leonard

Linda Massicot

Linda Massicot

Wendy Motes

Wendy Motes

Brooke Nicolini

Brooke Nicolini

Kittie Rohr

Kittie Rohr

Karen Sauter

Karen Sauter

Kelly Schumacher

Kelly Schumacher

Tiffany Stark

Tiffany Stark

Leslie Varnado

Leslie Varnado

Kathleen Wendel

Kathleen Wendel

Let us Craft Your Solution